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College Athletics: What a Long Strange Trip it Has Been
College Athletics: What a Long Strange Trip it Has Been

“Lately it occurs to me
What a long strange trip it's been”

By Warren K. Zola, Carroll School of Management, Boston College
Tags: NCAA, Alston, NBA
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What Does it Take to Break into a Professional Golf Career? Isn't a Great Set of Skills Enough? Sadly, the Answer is No.
What Does it Take to Break into a Professional Golf Career? Isn't a Great Set of Skills Enough? Sadly, the Answer is No.

I grew up in a golf family, my dad, my grandpa, my uncles, and cousins are all amateur golfers, later on, golf gave me golfer friends and so I am now a degenerate golf lover, not saying I am a good one, but for me, those 18 holes, among family, friends and even complete strangers, are the best time of the week. (Please don’t tell my wife).

By Pablo Robert Garcia, IP and Sports Attorney
Tags: Golf, PGA
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"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." -- William Butler Yeats
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." -- William Butler Yeats

If you’re reading this blog post sports law matters to you in some way. Perhaps you’re a student thinking about a future career and considering law school. Perhaps you’re in law school taking classes that you’ve been told will help you embark on such a career. Perhaps you’re a young lawyer thinking about shifting from commercial transactions to working for a team. Perhaps you’re a seasoned academic who has taught sports law for decades and it’s early on a quiet Saturday morning with snow falling outside with your wife still asleep and you had an idea—but I digress.

By Warren K. Zola, Carroll School of Management, Boston College
Tags: Sports Law, Education, SLA Blog
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A Title VII Case Leads to the Question of Whether a Referee Association is a Place of Public Accommodation and Where the Liability Exposure May Be
A Title VII Case Leads to the Question of Whether a Referee Association is a Place of Public Accommodation and Where the Liability Exposure May Be

Today’s blog entry comes from the Wait a Second blog. It was something that I was going to blog on anyway, but the Wait a Second blog beat me to the punch. As everyone knows, I still will blog on cases that other bloggers have blogged on if I feel I can offer a unique perspective.

By William Goren, one of the country's foremost authorities on the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Tags: Referee Association, Place of public accommodation
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There's a Storm Brewing in Baseball
There's a Storm Brewing in Baseball

There is a storm brewing in baseball and the current pandemic is exacerbating the situation. The current collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between Major League Baseball (MLB) and the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) was finalized on November 30, 2016, and is scheduled to expire on December 1, 2021. 

By Warren K. Zola, Carroll School of Management, Boston College
Tags: MLBPA, CBA, Baseball, MLB, MiLB
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Dwayne Haskins Early Career and Release
Dwayne Haskins Early Career and Release

When Dwayne Haskins was drafted 15th overall by the Washington Football Team (“WFT”), the former Ohio State standout was expected to make a big impact.

By Johnathan Nucci, 2L at Penn State Law and President of the Sports and Entertainment Law Society
Tags: Football, Washington Football Team, NFL, Dwayne Haskins
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