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There are 1 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Intellectual Property".

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1. State of Affairs for IP in Sports

Intellectual property has been a legal area rife with game changing cases in the past several years. This year is no different. This article dives into two recent legal battles - Pennsylvania State Univ. v. Vintage Brand, LLC and Warner Chappell Music v. Nealy - that reshape the landscape of intellectual property in sports. We analyze how these rulings impact everything from team logos on apparel to the music used in highlight reels. The results of these cases will have massive ripple effects for nearly everyone in the sports industry, and interested parties need to take note of what may be coming their way sooner rather than later. 

Tags: IP, Intellectual Property, Vintage Brands, Penn State, Trademark, Warner Chappell Music, Nealy
By Matthew Holt, SLA Member

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